

ipconfig /all                      ------ 查询本机IP段,所在域等
net user                           ------ 本机用户列表
net localhroup administrators      ------ 本机管理员[通常含有域用户]
net user /domain                   ------ 查询域用户
net group /domain                  ------ 查询域里面的工作组
net group "domain admins" /domain  ------ 查询域管理员用户组
net localgroup administrators /domain    ------ 登录本机的域管理员
net localgroup administrators workgroup\user001 /add   ------域用户添加到本机
net group "domain controllers" /domain                         ------ 查看域控制器(如果有多台)
net time /domain          ------ 判断主域,主域服务器都做时间服务器
net config workstation   ------ 当前登录域
net session                  ------ 查看当前会话
net use \\ip\ipc$ pawword /user:username      ------ 建立IPC会话[空连接-***]
net share                    ------  查看SMB指向的路径[即共享]
net view                      ------ 查询同一域内机器列表
net view \\ip                ------ 查询某IP共享
net view /domain         ------ 查询域列表
net view /domain:domainname        ------ 查看workgroup域中计算机列表
net start                                         ------ 查看当前运行的服务
net accounts                                   ------  查看本地密码策略
net accounts /domain                      ------  查看域密码策略
nbtstat –A ip                                   ------netbios 查询
netstat –an/ano/anb                        ------ 网络连接查询
route print                                      ------ 路由表
dsquery computer       ----- finds computers in the directory.
dsquery contact           ----- finds contacts in thedirectory.
dsquery subnet            ----- finds subnets in thedirectory.
dsquery group             ----- finds groups in thedirectory.
dsquery ou                   ----- finds organizationalunits in the directory.
dsquery site                 ----- finds sites in thedirectory.
dsquery server             ----- finds domain controllers inthe directory.
dsquery user                ----- finds users in thedirectory.
dsquery quota              ----- finds quota specificationsin the directory.
dsquery partition         ----- finds partitions in thedirectory.
dsquery *                     ----- finds any object inthe directory by using a generic LDAP query.
dsquery server –domain Yahoo.com | dsget server–dnsname –site ---搜索域内域控制器的DNS主机名和站点名
dsquery computer domainroot –name *-xp –limit 10----- 搜索域内以-xp结尾的机器10台
dsquery user domainroot –name admin* -limit ---- 搜索域内以admin开头的用户10个

#注:dsquery来源于Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack

tasklist /V                                                      ----- 查看进程[显示对应用户]
tasklist /S ip /U domain\username /P /V             ----- 查看远程计算机进程列表
qprocess *                                                    ----- 类似tasklist
qprocess /SERVER:IP                                      ----- 远程查看计算机进程列表
nslookup –qt-MX Yahoo.com                           ----- 查看邮件服务器
whoami /all                                                   ----- 查询当前用户权限等
set                                                              ----- 查看系统环境变量
systeminfo                                                    ----- 查看系统信息
qwinsta                                                        ----- 查看登录情况
qwinsta /SERVER:IP                                       ----- 查看远程登录情况
fsutil fsinfo drives                                           ----- 查看所有盘符
gpupdate /force                                            ----- 更新

# 域策略

wmic bios                                      -----看bios信息
wmic qfe                                           ----- 查看补丁信息
wmic qfe get hotfixid                                     ----- 查看补丁-Patch号
wmic startup                                                 ----- 查看启动项
wmic service                                                 ----- 查看服务
wmic os                                                       ----- 查看OS信息
wmic process get caption,executablepath,commandline
wmic process call create “process_name” (executes a program)
wmic process where name=”process_name” call terminate (terminates program)
wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 get name, freespace, systemname, filesystem, size,
volumeserialnumber (hard drive information)
wmic useraccount (usernames, sid, and various security related goodies)
wmic useraccount get /ALL
wmic share get /ALL (you can use ? for gets help ! )
wmic startup list full (this can be a huge list!!!)
wmic /node:"hostname" bios get serialnumber (this can be great for finding warranty info about target)